SiteLock T ‘n Vittles at the Azevedo’s (Aug. 6, 2022) – Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque
T ‘n Vittles at the Azevedo’s (Aug. 6, 2022)

Story by Larry Azevedo, Pictures by various sources including Larry Azevedo, Andy Andrews and Sharon Dominguez.

A Model T Wedding!

We’ve all been to weddings and thinking along these lines the Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque thought: why not celebrate the ‘marriage’ of a couple of T’s? The idea slowly came to fruition over discussions with a few of the Lizzies and, after a year and a half delay due to covid, we decided to give it a go. At first, we thought of inviting members to what they would think would be an actual wedding with the bride and groom a mystery. This proved too difficult to pull off and there was the chance of wild rumors flying about concerning Lizzie members. So we decided to announce a car marriage between two Model T’s with the groom announced (Kirk and Susan Peterson’s) ‘Buster’ of Montana 500 fame. We left the bride a mystery with a strong hint that one of Larry and Lorna Azevedo’s Model T’s would be the bride. We incorporated the wedding into a breakfast (after all, all Model T people revolve around food) and asked the Lizzies to bring their Model T and dress vintage. The result was this issue’s cover photo that shows the Tin Lizzies attending the wedding between Buster (Peterson’s 1924 coupe) and Bessie Mae (Azevedo’s 1923 coupe). In the background was the Willan’s 1926 touring, Dominguez’s 1925 Tudor, Azevedo’s 1917 roadster, 1912 touring, 1915 speedster and 1925 roadster (Montana 500 car), Neidigk’s 1927 coupe, Duncan’s1927 roadster pickup, Wing’s 1925 touring and Cole Wedekind’s 1927 touring. 

We brought in a retired professional photographer, Andy Andrews, from Durango (who has his own T of course), a pastor from our Lizzie membership (Don Neidigk) whose car is in the photo and an accomplished cake designer (Sharon Dominguez). Our thanks to Susan Peterson, Fran Gurule and Lorna Azevedo for a memorable day. We had a total of 24 guests at the wedding and, as you can see from the pictures, had plenty to eat and lots of tires to kick.


Detailed Instructions for Wedding Services for Ford Cars

The Wedding Ceremony of Buster and Bessie Mae

Corrales, New Mexico

Saturday, August 6, 2022, 9 a.m.



L: We are gathered here in the sight of the Tin Lizzies Model T Ford Club to witness the joining together of two Model T’s, who at theirage ought to know better, Buster and Bessie Mae.  But despite allour warnings, pleadings, threats and tears, they’re going ahead with it. Normally when you’re close to 100 years old, there is no expectation of progeny. However, in the case of Model T’s, where two or more are gathered they tend to multiply exponentially,which they already have, so we might as well get on with it.

    Who brings Bessie Mae to be married to Buster?

N: Their owners, Larry and Kirk.


L: Since Bessie Mae and Buster aren’t too good at speaking, their owners will answer for them. Buster, will you have Bessie Mae to be your lifelong partner, (which could be for another century or two), to roll along the roads of life, bumpy or smooth, dusty or freshly tarred, maintaining her according to the Model T Ford Service Manual, till you rust out or end up in a museumsomeplace?  If so, say, “I do.”     

G: I do. (Buster may honk his horn.)

L: Bessie Mae, will you have Buster to be your lifelong partner,  rolling along the bumpy roads of life, knowing he’ll drip on your driveway, smell up your garage, and never really be fixed, being faithful to him till you get sold, or turned into a hot rod, or end up in a museum? If so, say, “I do.”     

B: I do. (Bessie Mae may honk her horn.)

Pronouncement of Marriage

L: May I have the headlight ring (fanbelt, piston ring, magneto ring  or whatever else is handy) please. Kirk, you may place this token of Buster’s faithfulness around Bessie Mae’s radiator cap, and repeat these words: “With this token of my affection, I thee wed.”

G: With this token of my affection, I thee wed.

L: May I have the headlight ring (fanbelt, piston ring, magneto ring, or whatever else is handy) for Buster, please. Larry, you may place this token of Bessie Mae’s faithfulness around Buster’s radiator cap, and repeat these words: “With this token of my affection, I thee wed.”

B: With this token of my affection, I thee wed.

L: Now that Buster and Bessie Mae have pledged their faithfulness to each other by exchanging headlight rings (fanbelts, piston rings, magneto rings, or whatever else is handy), and though I have no authority whatsoever to do so, I pronounce them married.

The Kiss

L: Since Buster and Bessie Mae can’t actually kiss, Larry and Kirk will kiss each other on their behalf. (After the exchange of kisses, someone hands them each a wet wipe.) Ladies and gentlemen (or however you self-identify), I introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Buster and Bessie Mae. (Applause and honking of horns may ensue.)

The Tossing of the Hose Clamp

L: Before we dismiss, we have the customary tossing of the hose  clamp. Kirk will grab one from under Bessie Mae’s hood and toss it over his shoulder to the crowd.  Whoever catches it will be the next person to have their Model T get hitched. (Kirk grabs a hose clamp and tosses it to the crowd.)

Announcements (If any)


Groom: Buster; Bride: Bessie Mae

Larry and Lorna Azevedo

Kirk and Susan Peterson

Fran Grule

Officiant: Judge Shenanigans (Don Neidigk)

Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque and their Guests